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Santa bell XL
Santa bell XL

Product Code: DZW5

You can ring a Santa bell so that the kids know that St. Nick is on his way… how about a bell big enough and loud enough to hear through a door? Bring the kids to the windows, no matter what they’ve been doing, with this bell.
This, the largest Santa bell in our range, is large and very loud, the bell for professional Santas. It’s cast brass and features a comfortable natural wood handle. Santa bell and handle measure 10” together, and the bell’s rim has a 4” diameter. Listen to its pleasant ring for yourself – it’ll grab and focus the kids’ attention any time you need it.
In fact, this huge bell could be used any time of year for any occasion when you’re working with children, from the theater to school to workshops.
Please note: this product listing refers only to the extra large Santa's bell shown in the photo. All other items shown are sold separately.