Returns Policy

If you are not satisfied

  1. If you are not satisfied with any product you buy from us, you may return it to us. The postmark must be 3 working days or less after you received the product.
  2. If you have bought a bundle (in other words, a product listed on a single webpage which includes multiple, individual items) and are not satisfied with any part of the bundle, you must return the entire bundle. We cannot accept returns of individual pieces from a bundle.
  3. Products may only be returned if they have not been used and are in the same condition as received. Of course, you may remove a product from its packaging in order to try it on, but please try to open the packaging so that it can be used again. If you must return something, you should put it back into the packaging.
  4. Send returns to the following address:

    Polamer Inc.
    Santas, Saints and Co.
    275 Cox St.
    Roselle, NJ 07203
  5. Returns are at your cost, and you assume the risk of any damage during shipment.
  6. If the conditions explained here in the Returns Policy have been met, then we will refund the purchase price when we receive the product. Shipping fees are not refunded.
  7. Refunds will be sent within 14 days after we receive the product you returned, via the same account you paid with.
  8. If you return the product because you are not satisfied, but the conditions listed in this returns policy are not met (e.g. you damaged the product, it was damaged on the way to us, the package was postmarked too late, or less than the whole bundle was returned), we cannot process a refund for you. You may ask us to send it to you again, which we will do when we receive the funds from you to do so. The shipping fees listed on the website do not apply in this case, and we will calculate the shipping fee on an individual basis.

If the product has a defect or damage

  1. If your order arrives with damage or has a defect, you have the right to a refund of the entire amount paid, or an exchange for a defect-free item. This does not apply if you were aware of the defect in advance (we may occasionally offer products with slight defects at a reduced price, and such defects will be detailed in the product description).
  2. For technical reasons, it is impossible to ensure that the color of the cloth used to make two individual suits is consistent, and that an item on screen will match its actual color. Any such variation is not considered a defect and does not entitle you to a refund.
  3. If you find a defect, please contact us less than 90 calendar days after you received it, so that we know whether you need a refund or an exchange. We will ask you to send returns to the following address:

    Polamer Inc.
    Santas, Saints and Co.
    275 Cox St.
    Roselle, NJ 07203
  4. If the defective item is part of a bundle (in other words, a product listed on a single webpage which includes multiple, individual items), and you wish a refund, you must return the entire bundle. To exchange a defective item, you may return just that item.
  5. You have the right to return an entire order even if only one item in the order is defective.
  6. You will cover the shipping for your return up front, but once we see that the product is indeed defective or damaged, we will refund your shipping cost. Please retain your receipt for shipping so that we can process this refund.
  7. If we find that the product we sent is defective or was damaged on its way to you, we will refund the price of the product or send you a replacement as you request. If you do request a refund, and if your return includes your entire order, we will refund the original shipping cost.
  8. Refunds will be sent within 14 days after we receive the product(s) you returned, via the same account you paid with.
  9. If you return a defective product, we cannot process a refund if:
    1. you contacted us about the defect later than the 90 calendar day limit (or you did not inform us and the package is postmarked later than the 90 calendar day limit), or
    2. your returned purchase is a bundle but you did not return the entire bundle.
    You may ask us to send it to you again, which we will do when we receive the funds from you to do so. The shipping fees listed on the website do not apply in this case, and we will calculate the shipping fee on an individual basis.
  10. Rather than a return or exchange due to a defect in a product you received, you may choose to receive a discount. If so, e-mail us a clear photo of the defect, and we will discuss with you and come to an agreement on the amount of the discount. This avoids loss of time and added shipping costs.