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Magician's beard and wig (24")

$49.95 $44.95
offer valid until 11th November
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magician's beard and wig
magician's beard and wig

Product Code: X1524

Create a slightly different look for your Santa with a long, wizard-like beard! (We won’t say which schoolmaster wizard we’re thinking of.)
Of the beards we offer, this is the least curly. It’s also a strikingly long 24 inches, right down over Santa’s belly. The wig matches the Santa beard in length, reaching halfway down the back. Will children tell St. Nick he needs a trim? Or perhaps they’ll be staring at his big white (self-adhesive) eyebrows.
Please note that this item includes strictly the Santa beard, the wig and the eyebrows seen in the photo – the other parts of the costume are available separately.